I specialize in conjuring up sleek and user-friendly apps that dazzle on smartphones. With a knack for blending style and functionality, I transform concepts into captivating digital experiences. Join me on this thrilling journey through the vibrant world of app creation!


Apr 18, 2024



Mobile App using Flutter


Graduation Project - El-Shorouk Academy


4 Months

My Approach: Crafting Digital Excellence

🚀 Introducing our graduation project "ARcademy": An Augmented Reality Anatomy Study App
📱✨ Dive into anatomy with our AR app built on Flutter.
🧠💫 Detailed 3D models in real-world environments.

ARcademy features

🎓 User-friendly onboarding.
🔒 Seamless registration and Google account login.
🖥 Sleek home screen with light/dark modes.
❤ Favorites screen to manage favorite organs.
🗝 Profile management and account deletion.
🔬 Comprehensive organ details with AR integration.

Technical Aspects

  • Flutter framework for cross-platform development.

  • MVVM architecture for code organization.

  • Provider state management for data flow.

  • Responsive design with Flutter ScreenUtil.

  • Firebase Auth for secure authentication.

  • Google SignIn for convenience.

  • Firebase Firestore for data storage.

  • Shorebird for quick deployment without the need to update app.

User Interface Design

🎨 UI Design by talented teammate Kerolos Adel!, Go check UI Design in Behance from the link below: