I specialize in conjuring up sleek and user-friendly apps that dazzle on smartphones. With a knack for blending style and functionality, I transform concepts into captivating digital experiences. Join me on this thrilling journey through the vibrant world of app creation!


Apr 18, 2024



Mobile App using Flutter


Route Academy Course


2 Weeks

My Approach: Crafting Digital Excellence

📱 Excited to share my latest project on LinkedIn!
🚀 I've developed a mobile e-commerce app using Flutter, built with a strong foundation in Clean Architecture.

Application Features

🏠 Home: Discover popular categories, brands, and best-selling products all in one place.
🗂️ Categories: Dive into a wide range of categories and subcategories to find exactly what you need.
💖 Wishlist: Save your favorite products for later with ease.
👤 Profile: Manage your account details and update your information hassle-free.
🔍 Search: Easily find products or categories with a powerful search feature.
🛒 Cart Screen: Keep track of items you've added to your cart and breeze through the checkout process.
ℹ️ Product Details: Get all the information you need about a product, including title, size, color, and price.
🔍 Category's Product: Explore products tailored to your selected category.

Technical Stack

  • Flutter framework for cross-platform development.

  • Clean architecture for code organization, maintain and scale up.

  • Bloc/Cubit state management for Manage app's state efficiently, ensuring smooth performance.

  • Hive database for storing data locally which seamless user experience.

  • Flutter flavors for Adapting the app for various environments seamlessly.

  • CI/CD with Firebase App Distribution, Fastlane, and Github Actions for Streamlined the development process by automating workflows and deployments.

  • Responsive design with Flutter ScreenUtil.

  • Flutter Offline for checking for network connectivity to handle offline scenarios gracefully.

  • Shimmer widget to Add a nice touch to loading screens, making transitions smoother.