I specialize in conjuring up sleek and user-friendly apps that dazzle on smartphones. With a knack for blending style and functionality, I transform concepts into captivating digital experiences. Join me on this thrilling journey through the vibrant world of app creation!


Apr 18, 2024



Mobile App using Flutter


Route Academy Course


1 Week

My Approach: Crafting Digital Excellence

Introducing My Latest Project Todo App
Todo application built on top of Flutter framework & Firebase to organize tasks

Application Features

  • Registration process.

  • Adding new tasks with customizable dates and times.

  • Editing or deleting existing tasks.

  • Changing task due dates or marking them as completed.

  • Light and Dark mode options.

  • Verify email before login for first time.

  • Password change functionality or account deletion.

  • Forgotten password recovery.

Technical Stack

  • Flutter framework for cross-platform development.

  • Firebase authentication for login.

  • Firebase firestore to store tasks.

  • Provider state management for Manage app's state efficiently, ensuring smooth performance.

  • MVVM architecture for code organization, maintain and scale up.